Sunday, January 25, 2015

February goal update!

How is are you doing on your goals?
Making progress?
Still trying to finalize what your goals will be?
Given up? (It's okay, brush it off and try again!)

Here's where I am and what I want to accomplish next month!

1. Read: Bible, God isn't in a hurry, sticky faith, crazy love, Lord where are you, secrets of the bible, basics of biblical parenting, living on God's economy, don't waste your life and sidetracked home executives

January: I followed my bible reading plan and read Crazy Love, Sidetracked Home Executives, Basics of Biblical Parenting, Stone Fox and Little House in the Big Woods.

February Goals: continue bible plan, Sticky Faith, Living on God's Economy and whatever other books I find to read.

2. Work on house: my room (floors and paint), build canning pantry shelving, update electrical

January Accomplishments: I picked out paint for my room and figured out plans and materials, but didn't actually accomplish anything.

February Goals: I don't forsee accomplishing much on this goal for February either.

3. Work on yard: cut down trees by road, fence front yard, put in 3 raised garden beds, 3 apple trees and 2 blueberry plants

January Accomplishments: much planning and decision making, but not much else.

February goals: more planning and a first attempt at propagating hydrangeas for a living fence.

4. Plan, license and open my new business venture

January Accomplishments: more research, planning and budgeting as well as finding a great deal of needed materials for incredibly low prices.

February Goals: Finish planning and get licensing done.

5.Earn at least $15,000 (I have several small goals set to help achieve this one!)

January Accomplishments: I didn't reach the minimum monthly needed to reach this goal, I was close but not there. I did get back a childcare  position I used to hold and a lead for 2 more full time childcare positions.

February Goal: reach the adjusted monthly minimum income and continue to pursue ways to increase income. Also, ways to reduce expenses (there's always something) so I can open a true savings account and have the interest to count as income. (I don't expect to open the account until June)

6. Animals: grow at least 1/2 of feed for year, fence off new chicken/duck pen, add rabbits back in

January Accomplishments: again this was mostly research and planning, a little rabbit searching

February Goals: finalize plan for new fence lines, clean up rabbit area, finalize crop plans for feed

7. Build up a 1 year stockpile of coconut oil, nuts, rice, beans, flours and applesauce

January Accomplishments: thanks to some amazing sales, discovering exactly what I have and a trip into the city, I have a year supply of coconut oil, nuts, rice, and beans.

February goals: buy 25 lbs of almond flour.

8. Find a new church

January Accomplishments: research, hunting and prayer

February Goals: more of the same and attend at least one service somewhere new.

9. Get rid of our TV and set more concrete standards for other media influences

January Accomplishments: I purged the movies and worked on the books. They've watched 2-3 movies a week at home.

February Goals: Finish purging books. Return all borrowed movies. Limit movies to 1-2 a week. (Yes, I'm slowly weaning us down.)

10. Stop smoking

January accomplishments: I've stopped for 3-4 days at a time several times, just to cave to weakness during the worst part of it. I'm currently on day 4 without smoking.

February Goal: keeping praying and trying.

I'm baby stepping in the right direction and that's really all I can do at this season in life. As I continue to make progress in all areas of my life it frees up my time, energy and resources to pursue the path the Lord has before me.

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