Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Too Real

I love blogs.

I follow many for many reasons.

A recent post from one has hit my heart... in a convicting way.

I have come to a place of being overly "real" and "comfortable" with the level of mess in my house.

Is my house going to be perfection? Not a chance!

I'm human.

I have 6 kids and over 60 animals.

I work.

I homeschool.

And, honestly, housekeeping doesn't come naturally to me.

Most of that is obvious (maybe not the last one, I'm not sure.) I don't think anyone walks into my home expecting it to look like a page from Pottery Barn. If they do, they don't know me well!

But! I have entered a place in my heart where the grace people afford me for all the hindrances to housekeeping perfection have been taken advantage of.

Could I have a cleaner home? A more organized home? A home that didn't make me panic when company says they're coming in an hour?

Yes. I know this because I log an ungodly number of hours on Facebook and Pinterest and playing games on my phone (the games are a habit I've ended by deleting them.)

Those things do not bring glory to the Lord. The way I've kept stewardship of my home lately certainly isn't glorifying the Lord. And this is not okay!

Facebook, Pinterest and games aren't wrong or evil on their own. It's where our hearts place them that can create the problem.

As a result I'm going to be cleaning, purging and organizing a great deal in the coming weeks and its going to feel far more amazing than any game of candy crush ever would.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Goals: January Summary

I didn't do too bad for January, but there is definitely room for improvement!

1. Read the bible and 4 other books
I'm on track with my bible reading plan and began a devotional book given to me by a friend before she moved.

2. Take a meal to one family/person a week
Successfully delivered meals 3 out of 4 weeks.

3. Get off TANF
I secured another part time babysitting job. Combined with everything else, I actually exceeded my income goal for this month!

4. Grow or produce most of our food: grocery goal budget is $200 or less
I planned the garden and checked out what seeds I have and what I need.
The grand totally for groceries this month was $480, a lot more than the $200 goal!

5. Get involved in another ministry at church
No progress at this point. I have told people I want to be more involved but I haven't actively pursued anything yet.

6. Work on house: paint interior, replace carpet, upgrade some insulation
Painted the bathroom, found paint for all the bedrooms and the accent wall in the living room.

7. Build up stock for craft fairs: completely 10 projects a month, not including orders
Only managed 7.5 projects.

8. Eat better: more organic, no soy, mostly GF, less sugar
All new food brought in was organic, but beyond that not much improvement.

9. Stop smoking
I cut back and actually had 4 non-smoking days this month! Lots of room for improvement, but it's a start.

10. Expand animals and their housing: add 1 goat, 3 ducklings, 3 chickens, 13 rabbits, 2 goat pens, custom rabbit cages
Completed 1 goat pen and worked on cages. I have 5 rabbits I'll be keeping from litters that just weaned.

I still have a long way to go but that's not a bad start!

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Let the planning begin!

I look forward to my garden.

It brings me joy.

It's a great learning activity with the kids.

It provides quality food at the best cost ever, FREE. Well, almost free.

I've started planning this year's garden because I can't wait!

So far plans include...

Planting 2 apple trees and 2 blueberry plants.

Out front I'll add several herbs, many pickling cucumbers and another raspberry plant.

In the back I'll be planting pumpkins, carrots, spinach, kale, broccoli, cauliflower, garlic, onions, bell peppers, zucchini, peas, beans, yams, potatoes, watermelons, brandished and lots of tomatoes.

I'm still not sure where to fit in corn and strawberries.

I not only look forward to planting and tending, but finding creative ways to grow the most I can on my small piece of land, putting up food for the year and determining how to add more next year!

Sunday, January 12, 2014


There are some moments as a mom that you know they're coming.

You know they're going to be bad.

You know they're normal too.

I got one of those tonight.

Sunday nights 5 of my 6 munchkins go to "big church" with me. They sing the songs they know and fake the ones they don't. Rather joyfully shake the hands of most any member of our church family. Excitedly drop their coins in the offering plate when we have any. They sit in the pew beside me with their note pads and "take notes" like mama.


Except not tonight.

It was Emmi's second Sunday night in "big church" and she hadn't napped. The new had worn off for her and she feared holding still or else she'd fall asleep!

By the time pastor was starting his sermon, I knew.

I collected up kids and coats and crayons and took them to the foyer.

A year ago, I would have been embaressed beyond belief!

Now I realize something. I have no reason to be embaressed.

Kids have good and bad days.

Kids learn by doing and testing.

Moms aren't prefect.

Everybody doesn't always get the nap they need.

But mostly, everyone in that room would rather see me walk my kids to the foyer than know I didn't come. Because they care about us and they love the Lord.

And anyone who would rather I had kept them home and skipped service, I pray for you. I hope you search your heart. Those children you view as a problem in the next pew are the future generation of the church! Don't scowl at the tired mother, smile at her. She feels defeated enough.

Better yet, after service, give that mama a hug and remind her she's going good. It will make a world of difference for her!

Saturday, January 4, 2014

New Goals for a New Year!

Every year for the last 4 years I have set 10 goals for the new year.

I have never reached all 10 goals. I've always achieved 6-8 of them and made progress on the rest.

This year I've aimed higher than ever, yet I also have this overwhelming sense that I am going to reach each and every goal this year.

Maybe it's because I set clearer goals. Maybe it's because I have set mini monthly goals to get me there. Maybe it's because I got rid of the goal to shed 20 pounds (clearly that 20 pounds likes were it's at and I don't dislike it enough to really do anything about it.) Maybe it's because none of the goals are "the big one" (i.e. moving, give birth, husband come home alive.) Maybe it's that I've reached out and several wonderful friends have offered to be my accountability people, it's not just me.

Maybe it's a little bit of all of it.

This year feels different. The goals are more challenging and bigger than ever, but I feel certain that each goal will be met!

For those who wish to follow along on my journey to accomplish these goals, the list is at the end of the post and I'm going to update at least once a month on my progress every month.

Here they are...

1. Read the bible and 4 other books (I did the bible and 3 books last year)
2. Take a meal to one family/person a week (was a monthly thing last year)
3. Get off TANF (last year I got off WIC and increased my income)
4. Grow or produce most of our food: grocery goal budget is $200 or less (last years budget goal was to pay off the van)
5. Get involved in another ministry at church (last years goal was the same, but I'd like to be more involved than just subing in the nursery)
6. Work on house: paint interior, replace carpet, upgrade some insulation (last years housing goal was to move out of the scary apartments!)
7. Build up stock for craft fairs: completely 10 projects a month, not including orders (last years was to complete a project every month)
8. Eat better: more organic, no soy, mostly GF, less sugar (I had no food goals for 2013, just weight goals)
9. Stop smoking... yes, I know... (repeat goal)
10. Expand animals and their housing: add 1 goat, 3 ducklings, 3 chickens, 13 rabbits, 2 goat pens, custom rabbit cages (no animal related goals in 2013)