Saturday, April 6, 2013

His hands and feet

If there is one thing I pray to allows do better, to teach my kids and to be an example of, it's to be His hands and feet.
To be a living, breathing, moving, DOING example of Christ's love.
Not Just in word but in deed.
To live my life looking for chances to help.
To act on every gut instinct to help.
To do everything I can to show people that Christ lives in each of our hearts.
To leave the world a little better than I found it.
To give selflessly.
To show kindness and love, not just sympathy.
To hope that others will do the same.
And every once in awhile, it comes back to me.
That's not what it's about, but let's remember if no one is doing the giving, no one can do any getting.
Give the clothes you don't wear.
Give the food you won't eat.
Give the money you'd save for "someday".
Give the time you waste.
Give the love of Christ that grows.
Today I was privileged to meet wonderful ladies who were giving away books. Some very wonderful homeschooling books.
They also raise adorable Holland lop rabbits. The rabbit sells fund ministry work!
The ladies as Holland Lop Hollow are wonderful... if you decide to buy a rabbit from someone other than me, buy from them!

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