Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Confession is good for the soul

We all have secrets. Things others don't know. Some are silly. Some are odd. Some are embarrassing. Some are quirky. Some are innocent.

Others are those "dirty secrets." The ones we don't want people to know about. They bring us guilt and shame. They tear us down from the inside. They eat at our souls and give the devil places to easily grab into our lives.

Those secrets, no matter how much we hate it or uncomfortable it makes us, need to be confessed aloud and revealed.

It doesn't need to be public or a big deal. Confide in a friend. Talk to your spouse. Ask someone you trust to pray with you about it.

This eliminates our comfort zone with this secret, this sin. It's not something we keep saying "I must have it under control, no one knows but me!" Someone else knows and we know they do! We are no longer hiding it under the rug and pretending it never happened.

You know what does happen? You have someone to confide in. Someone to talk to when the going gets rough. Someone praying for you. You have a cheerleader, even if they never say a word.

I have a friend who I asked to help me with an issue. She hasn't had to do anything yet, but I know I have help a short reach away. I have an ear to listen when I can't figure out what I should have done.

I still have secrets. A whole range of them, from harmless indulgences to quirky habits to shameful choices. Confession is the first step to healing.

I confess I have a yelling problem. It's stress and frustration induced and 10x worse since I stop smoking a few weeks ago. It's also not okay, not acceptable and not going to continue. Starting tomorrow I'll be working on better stress coping skills, yell free loving discipline and sharing this journey with you, what works, what doesn't and what unexpected things I learn along the way.

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