Our family homestead plans are underway!
We've begun starting some seed indoors. Just trying to get an early start on some early crops.
As weather permits we've been working outside. This week the first raspberry plant went in the ground. Rock removal from the front garden bed has begun. The area for chickens has been planned out. There have been many trips to the farm store for things we need as things get underway.
This week we also welcomed 4 new additions to our family!
Patch is our guinea pig. He was an unplanned adoption. He has a leg that was injured and didn't heal well. Clearly not a profitable homestead animal, but the kids are enjoying him none the less.
We also welcomed 3 rabbits to the homestead!
They're all Satins. Adam is our buck. He's so sweet and good with kids.
Eve and Sally are our does. I can not tell them apart, but the two oldest girls claim they can... once I go pick up another cage and separate them, I'll be able to tell much better who is who!
Something tells me in no time there will be some serious multiplication around here!
We're aiming for zero waste, natural and hopefully organic farming. Right now the animals bedding is made up of shredded paper from our own recycling bin as well as my grandparents. We also offer all the animals greens in addition to their pellets. The greens go faster than the pellets, go figure!
We also want to provide our animals with a good quality of life. Patch spends hours running around the living room and getting snuggled by one child or another. Once I get the rabbits nails clipped, we'll be handling them daily to show them love and keep them friendly (until their clipped only I will be handling them.) After some deliberation, I've also decided to create a rabbit run in the back yard. Two actually, a smaller one for Adam and a slightly larger one for Eve and Sally. I want them to have plenty of time to exercise and play! While I get the run set up, they'll enjoy time out of their cages when I can supervise them.
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