Sunday, January 25, 2015

February goal update!

How is are you doing on your goals?
Making progress?
Still trying to finalize what your goals will be?
Given up? (It's okay, brush it off and try again!)

Here's where I am and what I want to accomplish next month!

1. Read: Bible, God isn't in a hurry, sticky faith, crazy love, Lord where are you, secrets of the bible, basics of biblical parenting, living on God's economy, don't waste your life and sidetracked home executives

January: I followed my bible reading plan and read Crazy Love, Sidetracked Home Executives, Basics of Biblical Parenting, Stone Fox and Little House in the Big Woods.

February Goals: continue bible plan, Sticky Faith, Living on God's Economy and whatever other books I find to read.

2. Work on house: my room (floors and paint), build canning pantry shelving, update electrical

January Accomplishments: I picked out paint for my room and figured out plans and materials, but didn't actually accomplish anything.

February Goals: I don't forsee accomplishing much on this goal for February either.

3. Work on yard: cut down trees by road, fence front yard, put in 3 raised garden beds, 3 apple trees and 2 blueberry plants

January Accomplishments: much planning and decision making, but not much else.

February goals: more planning and a first attempt at propagating hydrangeas for a living fence.

4. Plan, license and open my new business venture

January Accomplishments: more research, planning and budgeting as well as finding a great deal of needed materials for incredibly low prices.

February Goals: Finish planning and get licensing done.

5.Earn at least $15,000 (I have several small goals set to help achieve this one!)

January Accomplishments: I didn't reach the minimum monthly needed to reach this goal, I was close but not there. I did get back a childcare  position I used to hold and a lead for 2 more full time childcare positions.

February Goal: reach the adjusted monthly minimum income and continue to pursue ways to increase income. Also, ways to reduce expenses (there's always something) so I can open a true savings account and have the interest to count as income. (I don't expect to open the account until June)

6. Animals: grow at least 1/2 of feed for year, fence off new chicken/duck pen, add rabbits back in

January Accomplishments: again this was mostly research and planning, a little rabbit searching

February Goals: finalize plan for new fence lines, clean up rabbit area, finalize crop plans for feed

7. Build up a 1 year stockpile of coconut oil, nuts, rice, beans, flours and applesauce

January Accomplishments: thanks to some amazing sales, discovering exactly what I have and a trip into the city, I have a year supply of coconut oil, nuts, rice, and beans.

February goals: buy 25 lbs of almond flour.

8. Find a new church

January Accomplishments: research, hunting and prayer

February Goals: more of the same and attend at least one service somewhere new.

9. Get rid of our TV and set more concrete standards for other media influences

January Accomplishments: I purged the movies and worked on the books. They've watched 2-3 movies a week at home.

February Goals: Finish purging books. Return all borrowed movies. Limit movies to 1-2 a week. (Yes, I'm slowly weaning us down.)

10. Stop smoking

January accomplishments: I've stopped for 3-4 days at a time several times, just to cave to weakness during the worst part of it. I'm currently on day 4 without smoking.

February Goal: keeping praying and trying.

I'm baby stepping in the right direction and that's really all I can do at this season in life. As I continue to make progress in all areas of my life it frees up my time, energy and resources to pursue the path the Lord has before me.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Garden plans

It's January. Which means the only gardening I'm doing right now is with my pencil and a pad of paper.

Then again, this may be the most important part of gardening.

I need to know what I'm planting and where and when. What's going in when one plant stops producing.

This year I'll be planting


I'll be doing the peas on poles. cucumbers and pumpkins on trellis. The peppers I'll put in pots so I can move them to the green house in the fall and hopefully get a few extra weeks out of them.

I can't wait to get my fingers into the dirt!

I'll also be adding to my herb garden (both cooking and medical) and attempting to propagate some starts from my grandma's hydrangea so I can have my own.

I love hydrangeas!

I also have several bulbs planted and some to put in late still. As those multiply, I'll be selling the extras.

What are you growing this year?

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Sidetracked? Me?

Maybe you've noticed something while following my blog, if not you'll notice soon enough.

I start projects with gusto.

I have huge plans.

I have... Ummm... Trouble with follow through and upkeep.

In every area of my life.

My house has to change. I know that. I've always known that.

I'm a far cry from where I was 9 years ago with just one baby. My apartment was disgusting.

Now my home is mostly clean but cluttered about half the time. Truly clean (in at least one room!) a quarter of the time. The other quarter is spread along the spectrum of "maybe we should pick some stuff up" and "call in hazmat before I burn this place down and start over "

That's the hard truth.

I want a clean house. I enjoy a clean house. I try to have a clean house.

But it doesn't come naturally to me. It takes major effort and I'm so disorganized I can rarely keep it up.

But I've finished the first book on my list this year "Sidetracked Home Executives" and you know what, I am just like these ladies.

I set things down on bookshelves and dressers, but never make it back to put them away.

I start a project but then I need tape. Tape is in the junk drawer... As I'm cleaning the junk drawer to find the tape, I remember I left the tape in my closet with the wrapping paper.

And a million other examples. I spend an entire day doing stuff with nothing to show for it. Nothing got done, but everything got started.

In the book is outline the system the authors used to reform their sidetracked habits.

I like it, in theory. But I can't find my 3x5 notecards (surprise!) and the entire project is overwhelming me.

Instead I plan to choose one chore or task a month that I struggle with and focus on it. Each month I'll build on the positive habits I've already established.

I have a decent laundry routine mostly.

I wash and hang a load in the morning when I get up and again after dinner. Before I hang more, I take down and have the kids put away what's dry.

Occasionally, I'll do 3 loads if the space is available to hang it.

The one area of laundry I don't manage well is ironing. I've put it off so long at this point it scares me.

Today I will tackle the ironing pile and make Saturday my new day to iron.

And it will be so good to wear my favorite dress again!

Next month I plan to tackle the dishes. Not just the washing, but the organizing!

Monday, January 5, 2015

Pantry Challenge

Some friends and I are embarking on a pantry challenge.

We will be doing our best to avoid grocery shopping and cook from only what we have on hand.

While one of my goals is building up portions of my stockpile, this pantry challenge is much needed.

We all have those things that we end up with sitting in the cupboard for 8 months and you wonder why you bought it.

Also, with some of the changes I'm making to our food choices, somethings need to get out and stay out!

I'm not very good at meal planning, I need to get better. So here's my first attempt!

Breakfast: pancakes and fruit
Lunch: sandwhiches, fruits/veggies and cheese
Dinner: homemade pizza

Breakfast: rice pudding and fruit
Lunch: zucchini bread
Dinner: bbq chicken, veggies, yams and toast

Breakfast: pancakes and fruit
Lunch: quesadillas and chili
Dinner: curry & rice with veggies

Breakfast: oatmeal, sausage and fruit
Lunch: sandwhiches and fruit/veggies
Dinner: mashed potatoes and gravy, Brussels sprouts, pumpkin bread

Breakfast: pancakes and fruit
Lunch: peanut butter banana bread with carob chips
Dinner: leftovers

Breakfast: cereal
Lunch & dinner: leftovers

There will probably be some changes since I'm not sure which day this week I'm working, but we have a goal!!

Thursday, January 1, 2015

New year, new goals

In 2010 one of my friends challenged everyone to make 10 goals for 2010.

It was the first year I called them goals, not resolutions.

It changed my thinking about them.

Goals are concrete, achievable things.

Resolutions are something I make and forget before February.

Every year I have continued to make 10 goals for the year. Never have I achieved them all. I have a 60% success rate usually, but always make progress toward achieving all of them.

Without further ado, here are my goals for 2015!

I make 10 goals each year. This years goals are:

1. Read: Bible, God isn't in a hurry, sticky faith, crazy love, Lord where are you, secrets of the bible, basics of biblical parenting, living on God's economy, don't waste your life and sidetracked home executives

2. Work on house: my room (floors and paint), build canning pantry shelving, update electrical

3. Work on yard: cut down trees by road, fence front yard, put in 3 raised garden beds, 3 apple trees and 2 blueberry plants

4. Plan, license and open my new business venture

5.Earn at least $15,000 (I have several small goals set to help achieve this one!)

6. Animals: grow at least 1/2 of feed for year, fence off new chicken/duck pen, add rabbits back in

7. Build up a 1 year stockpile of coconut oil, nuts, rice, beans, flours and applesauce

8. Find a new church

9. Get rid of our TV and set more concrete standards for other media influences

10. Stop smoking (look at that, a repeat goal from last year!)

Some of these will be easy for me to accomplish rather quickly. Others will take time and effort and be rather challenging for me. I plan it that way.

The easy ones have a place in the grander scheme of my life plan, but they also are a good boost to help keep me going. The quick progress and success gives great satisfaction and motivation while I continue to press forward on the more challenging goals.

What goals are you making this year?